Wildermyth Review (Eqqsquizitine Buble-Schwinslow)
The fact that all the new armors are limited to tier one and tier two feels weird and out-of-place, like corners have been cut or someone made a bad decision somewhere along the line.
The tiers also don't really match their base-game equivalents.
Tier 1 DLC armors are generally better than the tier 1 vanilla armors, but not by much.
Tier 2 DLC armors are better than the tier 2 vanilla armors, and some of them are roughly as good as vanilla tier 3 armors.
Add to this the fact that the DLC armors (at least the tier 2 ones) are cheaper than their vanilla counterparts, and you get armors that feel out of place and oddly balanced.
This DLC actually broke a mod in my case which added even more armors than the DLC does, with all 3 tiers for each set, so I ended up with a lower total amount of armors than I had before I bought it.
I was very skeptical towards this DLC from the moment I got wind of it, because what Wildermyth needs (in my eyes at least) isn't more armors or skins, it needs more events, more familiars, more themes, more campaigns.
This would absolutely require more work, but also contribute a lot more to the game, especially it's replayability.
This is purely a way for players to donate money to the developers, in my eyes at least. Which is fine, and the DLC itself isn't too pricy, but it doesn't actually add anything modders haven't already added ages ago, and it isn't going to offer anything worth spending money on if you're not interested in an altruistic donation.
If the DLC is improved in the future then I'll come back and change my review but as it stands, it just isn't good, or even necessarily going to bring any more enjoyment out of the game for those of us who've already seen every event multiple times, encountered every theme multiple times, and played through each story campaign at least once.
Truly mid, 4/10