Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Review (Inflo)
2,5 years after release and still no minute gameplay without multiple bugs.
feels even more bugged then at release. to just name a few in online solo and online group play:
- npcs blocking the way in campain, no progress possible (sometimes aether jump can help)
- random game crashes
- random party/group crashes
- clicking in UI windows will move you character to the location behind (as if there would be no UI window)
-> especially fun when you want to trade and move away instead
-> this bug is present since release!
- mouse wheel often not working to scroll down at vendor lists
- cutscenes not loading
- sometimes loading times up to a minute for new campain areas
- tooltips closing when another party member changes his gear (wtf)
- invisible items in inventory (several restarts needed to fix this)
- items cannot be equiped in any gear slot (several restarts needed to fix this)
- items sometimes drop without names
- new party members stuck on town portal
- enemys getting stuck on corners
- stash often not usable at all (yes seems to be known since over a week)
- wrong tooltip damage (e.g. minion tooltip dps scaling with wrong dmg types)
- graphical bugs (black boxes over enemies)
- enemies glitching through the map
- quest markers randomly disappering
- sometimes equipment disapears after logout
- sound bugs with overlaying never ending sounds
and there are still many annoying game mechanics
- left mouse will always move/attack (nothing else can be bind to left mouse)
- character does not move straight to target locations, it always try to find a path to that location
- you have to choose/select a reward even if there is just 1 item you get
- npc companions blocks your range attacks
- loot disappears a second after drop and connot be picked up automatically
- u have pets, but they are useless
- u can transform into a huge cool looking beeing, that does no dmg but hase some great fx
- boring skill runes (16 runes per skill and a lot of them are just + %dmg)
- bad ai of summons and the most of them can not be given commands
- has some nice visual effects
- some fx/explosions have some satisfying sound too
- rage and willpower system and not simply mana
- passive tree is not to simple and not to complex
- easy/cheap to respec -> you can start playing without searching/creating a build before in a third party programm
- you can loot, lvl up, gear up, craft, "play" with friends
- some bugs can be fun too
sadly it is still more frustrating then fun to play