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cover-Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Saturday, November 30, 2024 8:50:13 AM

Wolfenstein: Youngblood Review (The Milkshake Marxist)

This game isn't as bad as people say it is. I like a lot of the combat and stealth but have a few minor criticisms.
Vast array of mod options make all guns viable. I initially hated the Blitzgewehr but Nadel mods made it more accurate which made gunplay more enjoyable (It is now my most used weapon).
Dynamic maps and world, will change with story quest completion. Additionally some story quests can be replayed after completion.
I really like how successful stealth sections are now rewarded with a cash and experience bonus (mostly on story missions)
I love the artstyle of this game, a lot of the story missions feature really nice atmospheres and enviornments, additionally there are a few secret areas that look fantastic in this game.
Stealth can be inconsistent and you will need to account for player leveling, weapon mods, and perks to consistently kill enemies from range in stealth. Sometimes enemies will be alerted when they discover bodies, even though they should initiate a search instead.
Some weapons are glitched and kills with them don't completely count (like the Dieselkraftwerk's kill counter being inconsistent) This makes grinding to max them out tedious and annoying.
There should've been less kill farming with weapons and each weapon mastery tier should've increased damage by 8%, cut the grind in half and don't keep me farming as long.
Nazis need to respawn slower, in Little Berlin you will go clear an area, run off to clear two more, come back and have it be repopulated by nazis. This diminished the effect of killing the Nazis in the first place and decreased my enjoyment. The game should make us feel like our actions have weight.
The writing for this game goes from decent to really cringy, this is partially why it recieved so much negative feedback on launch.
I don't know if this is purely my PC's graphics card but this game crashes like a motherfucker. There used to be an issue where it would hard crash whenever I entered Victory Boulevard, preventing me from further progressing with side-quests or the brother 3 mission, this softlocked me until I could unlock the south side of Victory Boulevard and completed the brother 3 mission.
The devs dropped this game like a hot iron after 2020, I don't know if the glitches that are still in the game will be patched or if the stealth system will be fixed.
Lastly, underground gameplay (with a few notable exceptions) is really tedious. You have to traverse tunnels with a flashlight to compensate for the darkness. The only weapons that have flashlight modifications are the Sturmgewehr and the pistols, which are (in my opinion) the two worst weapons to have with flashlights. They are both weapons with stealth mods combined with a flashlight that alerts the enemies to your location. Your DPs is significantly limited with them out and if you want to have decent DPs you have to say goodbye to your vision. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for a blitzgewehr flashlight mod.
God vision should've been the solution to the problem but it actually isn't. It distorts your vision with this distracting filter and you still can only use sidearms like the pistol and machine pistol (so it's basically just an upgraded version of the flashlight, which felt immensely underpowered)
Considering you play as B.J. Blazkowicz's daughters I would expect them to be able to dual-weild more than sidearms. This was a wasted oppertunity.

That concludes the pros and cons. Let me give you a summary.

This game is similar to Dying Light 2: It has scalable damage, level scaling, (optional) health bars, and a large arsenel of weapons, I love both games dearly. When its at its peak you will have a lot of fun. But the grind is immense and the bugs are soul-crushing.
Fuck the haters, this game rules.