WWE 2K24 Review (Doc)
Right now I absolutely cannot encourage anyone to buy this game. If you are considering it, stop, read this post, then consider again.
1) The BIGGEST issue first: the bugs. The game is choc-ful of them. In fact, there have been more bugs added to the game from 2K23 to 2K24 than actual pieces of content. That's right. They revamped MyFaction (which no one likes), changed up MyGM (which is feature deficient, and half-baked), and added a few match types. Oh, and they added blood smearing on the ring. You know what else they did?
- Completely broke custom wrestlers, making several aspects of customization straight up reset at random. Also, while you're customizing there's a completely random chance that your game just... crashes to desktop (customizations don't autosave so you just lose all your progress).
- Broke Create An Entrance, creating several instances in which pyrotechnics become permanently disabled (only way to fix it is to completely reset your progress on the entrance), and titantrons are reset to default smackdown screens (with no way to change them).
- Broke several moves such as the "Perfect 10 Punches" which completely softlock the game if there are only 2 competitors. Yep.
- Broke perspective adjustments, making AI vs AI spectator matches nearly unwatchable when doing matches like Hell in a Cell. The cell NO LONGER becomes transparent, so you're just staring at a piece of metal half the time. Same thing with Tag Team matches. If the fighters go to the right of the ring? You're just staring squarely into one of the wrestlers backs, with the MOST important section of the screen blocked. This is ONLY an issue for AI vs AI matches (which a lot of people love hosting), but not an issue in PvAI or PvP.
- Broke the Community Creations tab. Wanna upload something with a custom name, or text? Go ahead, but if you have any random words that the moderation system deems inappropriate seemingly at random (in my case, the word ECON for some reason), it'll just crash your game to desktop.
- Broke the Community Creations UPLOAD system. Yep. You wanna upload a character with text on them that ISN'T deemed inappropriate? That's great. The text will disappear for anyone downloading them though... not custom images you put on the character, JUST the text. Oh yeah, and your moveset might get reset, or your signs, or your stats, etc etc. Literally nothing that you upload is guaranteed to be saved. It seems to just delete your work at random.
2) The game visually is a mix of amazing, and absolute abysmal garbage:
- The lighting? Pretty good.
- The arenas? Great!
- The models? Terrible. Female models have a mix of fine looking, and disgusting mannequin features. Male models are either muscular, slightly fat, obese, or skinny... but all skinny models have concave chests as though they've been flattened like a pancake. On a side note, I've seen better ambient crowds in games from the early 2010s, the crowd in 2K24 looks worse than the crowd at the arena in Oblivion.
- The textures? Trash. There's plenty of good looking things in the game, but why are SO MANY of the pieces of clothing marked recolorable if the team making them couldn't be bothered to properly define the bounds in which the color will change? Change a red piece to black, and watch as the forgotten pixels of red create a nasty looking crust around it.
- The animations? A mixture of great, and bad. Tons of animations look super cool! Too bad they're mixed in with animations that are half the framerate, robotic, and seemingly not changed since the PS2 era.
3) What about what they didn't do though? Let's see:
- They didn't fix AI in Hell in a Cell. They still wander around the outside of the ring cluelessly, and often just get stuck... unable to continue the match until you take control of one and jostle them around.
- They didn't fix the multitude of clothing issues. Plenty of clothing pieces are still extremely poorly modeled, poorly textured, or broken completely. Several pieces have jutting, stretching polygons, and some pieces have actively gotten worse (such as one of the trench coats, which has had the fur texture turn into... cubes).
- They didn't fix the AI. At all. It's still utterly, and inexcusably unintelligent. The AI will routinely decide to do the worst possible thing they can in whatever situation they are in. Randomly slow walking around the ring, and allowing themselves to be counted out. Picking up weapons just to throw them on the ground. Using extremely long taunts knowing the enemy will be able to attack them. They're just... terrible. It makes fighting them unfun, and watching them even less so.
- They didn't attempt to improve the MyGM mode (the mode everyone I know actually plays the game for). You know how cool match run-ins are? Yeah me too. They're in the game! Not in MyGM though. Why can match run-ins happen randomly when in play mode, but when you schedule them to happen in MyGM you HAVE to simulate the match, meaning you cannot watch the run in happen? What about 3v3 tags? No? Maybe first blood matches? No? What about GM interference? Nope. 2K... you have all the resources for the scenes involved in these match modifiers from Universe mode... just carry them over to MyGM.
Alright, review over. I don't need to explain any of those points any further, I'm sure you get what I'm saying.
TL;DR? Don't buy the game. If you absolutely must, then wait a few months. They're charging 60 dollars for a game they've delivered to you stuck together with duct-tape, and bobby pins. Skyrims bugs were charming, 2K24's bugs are not.