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Monday, October 10, 2022 9:10:27 PM

Labyrinthine Review (Gabzsy)

I'll leave this review in hopes a developer or someone involved in the project can see it. First of all, I LOVE the project, the idea and the execution of this game. When I first saw it I had Phasmophobia 2.0 vibes and really thought I found another early gem and while for the most part I still think this game has the potential for it, after completing the very short campaign I was left disappointing. Why? Because I felt the game doesn't really know what it wants to be....it has an identity problem if you may. This game is called Labyrinthine and the first few levels really leave up to expectation with the creepy, looming and claustrophobic atmosphere. It gets even better in the dark corridors or sewers of the next levels but then, instead of doubling down on it's premise it disappointing with bland, poorly executed, boring and confusing "open world" levels with really boring and uninteresting enemies like giant everything, from mosquitoes to alligators. It felt like the game lost itself in the process and creativity died. My suggestion is, focus on what the game REALLY shines, creepy labyrinth like levels. Create a plethora of them for players to discover and keep them auto generated with new and interesting enemies. The forest Leshen was wasted on the level it was put in, I didn't even have a single encounter with him. Lastly, this game deserves a port to VR, I really mean it, this game is MEANT for it and it could open up a whole new page for a dedicated community. Think about it.