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Wednesday, February 16, 2022 9:27:02 AM

Scum Review (KernelPanik)

At 197hrs of gameplay and SCUM version 0.6.19,
I don't like the idea of 'hunting' another human so I play single player.
When you die on a server, even tho you can respawn in the same sector and run back to loot your body, there is a 15min despawn timer. If you don't get back in time, goodbye gear/loots. On default loot spawn rate, that hurts bad. All +20hrs of previous looting...poof...feels like wasted time.
When you die single player, I believe it only leaves your last body and the previous death disappears. So if you die again before looting the first body...oof.
1. I super enjoy the open world survival aspect. On foot the map is humungous and can take about 30min(irl) of driving to cross entire map by car. And the scenery is beautiful..mostly.
2. The first time I almost died but killed a bear, chopped him up, cooked him, and ate him, I felt my balls drop.
3. I like the inventory system the most. The inventory GUI just makes so much sense. The quick access slots make sense. Having to make decisions because of space or weight and being too 'far' from base storage to 'come back later'. Good times.
The GUI for adding items to guns like clips, scopes, etc. makes sense. Stacking/Adding ammo to clips makes sense.
4. The 2nd thing I like are the different viewing angles based on gun/bow, based on an object in hand, based on crouching/prone, there is 'some' peeking, 3rd person/1st person for all the above as well. Well done and thank you for them.
5. Skill leveling. I totally dig it but some skills level too quickly or too slowly.
6. Your character can literally workout to get stronger. Load up your backpack with a log while also carrying a log, etc. and run. Burns alot of calories but starts turning you into chad mcbeefcakes which makes brawling/melee more fun.
7. The amount of material required for crafting items seems good.
The cabins are predefined unlike building in rust. So fences/traps are depended on more than some weird half wall builds to slow down C4. You can also lock some doors inside towns to claim a room/respawn point.
I wish I had known about the improvised wheelbarrow sooner. Makes building a cabin/base much easier. Throw all the logs in it and haul it around instead of carrying 1 log at a time.
8. You can basically kill everything with a crossbow headshot including heavily geared players. Silliest thing. That being said, handgun/rifle points level quickly with so many puppets.
9. Scavenging, Hunting, Fishing, Cooking, Driving.
1. The spawn system is wonky. ie animals make sounds, and if you are listening you will know where they are and either avoid or kill them. But they can spawn within feet of you, begin their noises and sometimes its right next to you! Like they spawn nearby and are suddenly aware of your presence and attack you. Most of the time they spawn correctly and I can see or hear them nearby but far enough to react. (I've watched animals spawn in my view, puppets too!)
2. I had to turn off motion blur because it made my cabin and only the cabin look like a warpdrive starfield.
3. Cooking is ok but the kitchen pot/pan needs to be craftable and not a world spawn object. There was a weird workaround to only eat 9/10 of the food then unmake the food to keep the pot, but that was patched. Otherwise I would cook more.
4. There is no way to 'charge' a car battery you find in the open but the phone batteries are rechargable. *shrugs*
5. There are silencers for everything but shottys(really? they exist irl). I guess you don't really care about noise if you pull out a shotty....till it jams....a few times...like...enough times to no longer trust them -__-
6. Puppets ragdoll 2-4ft in different directions when knocked down, but the direction they fall makes no sense. Unlike when they die and go limp. Always hilarious to watch a puppet jump over a fence and immediately eat dirt on the other side and die. Never gets old.
7. There's no way to sharpen knives. There is a sharpening stone but its such a rare loot spawn that I hate using it unless its for a 'rare' knife. I just pick up extra knives while I'm out. Or rather, I keep all of the ones I find once I have storage setup.
8. I can't add water into 2L Cola bottles even when they are empty
9. Military water canteens decay way too fast to be useful other than emptying them into my water bottle and tossing.
10. You can pull items from your backpack as quickly as if it were on shoulders. So I can throw a sword and shotty in my backpack and whip it out just as fast as if it were already on my shoulder? Seems silly. Not a con? Maybe? When you can fast swap between 5-7 loaded guns? Maybe?
Current wishlist for single player game:
1. The loot spawn rate is way too low for single player and PVP. Like, what does a normal start/loot/kill/run look like on a PVP server? ie everytime you die you fall further behind while the other guy gets your loot.
Spawn, make stone knife, cut bushes, make rope, make stone axe, cutdown tree, make club, make rope, run to closest town, kill puppet, cut their clothes into rags, make improvised backpack, chop puppet, put flesh into backpack, make quiver, kill another puppet, cut clothes into rags, make crossbow, make stonehead arrows, find chicken coups or hay, get feathers, make crossbow arrows, peak thru windows for backpack otherwise hit gas station or grocery store for food, find change of clothes and make improvised sword, start hitting bunkers/warehouses/airport for loot(assuming you already have a cabin/storage somewhere). This process can take 2-3days(8-12hrs irl, who wants to do that again for another 8-12hrs only to get wiped again?), while other ppl are trying to murder you, for the loots. Cuz who wants to be that guy at the top of the leader board >_> Rinse/repeat. Unless...you single player or raid the airport/military w/friends.
3. A trailer or some way to tow 1quad or 2bikes. My goodness quads are fun and breaks my heart when I drive by one in my truck...and no way jumpstart it or take home... :(
4. Some NPC's living in towns 'Fallout' style. Maybe on a 1-5 scale, 1 insta kill, 2 suspicious, 3 neutral, 4 good standing, 5 trusted. And maybe only be able to trade at 4 or 5. Actual use for the cash and opportunities for trade, chop wood, animal skins, fish, etc. And towns ppl may have special requests which increases your standing and loot quality with them.
But NPC's are getting sick. If you interact with or enter a sick person's house without a medical mask, you can get sick/nasua/vomiting for 1-2days in game.
If you loot an NPC house, have a timer indicating the NPC will discover your identity in x seconds(Wearing a mask increases the timer). Making loud noises(indication of a struggle) other NPC's come looking to protect. Once discovered, if they live they will tell others in town and all NPC's in that little town will have a 1 towards you.
5. Different sized food containers after cooking(slows decay?)? Or does everybody just run around with random cooked steaks in their backpack? xD
6. The amount of food prepared/added should somehow equal the portions of food in the pot. Right now the pot takes up tons of space but only gives 10 portions.
7. I wish I could craft multiples instead of 1 item per craft. Like if I can craft 5, then hold down the craft button to chose upto 5.
8. The town and buildings feel like dejavu. Overly copy/pasted textures and frames. I get lost because I think I'm in this one town but...its slightly different. I survive only because of the map and compass...if I had to use land markers and city layouts, I'd be screwed.
9. The map fills in as I explore that area. I think I avoid some areas only because I have a filled in map.
10. Waiting for 1.0 so the mod community can jump in with new maps, building textures, NPC's, etc. I'm stoked because this game has good bones.