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12 Şubat 2021 Cuma 13:49:56

Hrot İnceleme (...)

Comparisons with Quake, with which HROT’s user reviews apparently abound, are somewhat unfortunate. Outside its surface level visual similarities, or some of its weapons or enemies that evoke their analogues from Quake, this is a somewhat different sort of FPS. One certainly won’t find Quake’s movement or verticality here. Rather, HROT is closer to Chasm: The Rift if latter offered more variations in height within maps. Take away Chasm’s dismemberments and sprinkle the maps with some cute Buildesque interactivity, and you’ll have some image of what HROT is as a game. And as the sort of FPS it is trying to be, it is very good indeed: weapons are satisfying in their functionality and visual feedback (audio leaves something to be desired but this is something the dev is actively working on improving), and most of them play useful roles rather than being gimmicks or feeling obsolete after one finds shinier piece latter on. Enemies are varied in their looks and behaviour, and none of them are bullet-spongey. Maps are well designed, with character, with semi Build-style realistic-locales as opposed to Quake’s abstractions.
All this is set in this gray concrete nightmare, the world of Soviet brutalist tenements and industrial spaces, of smoke-covered skies, of deformed life. The world wherefrom everything natural and beautiful is exiled. Such environment is violence on its own so that explosions of orgiastic violence of which game such as this consists can feel only fitting.