I... Just can't anymore.
When Bungie actually puts in effort into their game (Aka, major DLC's minus lightfall) the game is amazing, but the amount of times they have dropped the ball, especially with this last episode/season has finally done it for me. I've followed Destiny since the original on the xbox 360, became a fan of the story, and continued on into Destiny 2 back when they were still part of activision on battlenet. I've always attempted to keep good faith and put in a good word even when the game was at a low point, but now after having the saint-14 and osiris gay love story interjected and shoved down my throat multiple times, the last season "echos" big bad guy get one shot in a cutscene and escape by floating down a vex "milk" river, and now the current episode which started by reusing a game mode that they butchered and made worse than the original which was still in the game and the other gamemode that came later which was decent but had loot that you could get just by running around in the standard maps made it not at all worth doing. Compound that with the tonic system that relied on Strict RNG to get new tonics which were necessary to get further in the reputation system and played a minimal part in the over arching story and took forever just to get three tonics out of DOZENS WHICH BARELY WORKED AND WAS ON A TIMER THAT YOU HAD TO MICRO MANAGE ON TOP OF OTHER MICRO MANAGING SYSTEMS.... yeah it was just TOO MUCH. The final nail in the coffin was the fact that we found out just how much work they put into the seasonal / episodic content which normally is spread out when they gave it all at one time. By the way you could do all 3 parts of revenant in less than 3 hours which for something that you pay for is absolutely Pathetic. For comparison Warframe Is completely 100% FREE and has proven to have a better player experience, impactful story, developers that actually care, better visuals, smaller file size, did not take paid content away forever (yes that happened in destiny), and more.
I loved this game because it's story at one point was amazing and now... it's a chore. Combine all that with the current state of the company's choices and behaviors, it's just not worth trying to keep the rose tinted glasses on and support it anymore. I loved this game.... and I just feel betrayed and disappointed. Call me a Schill, say I'm coping, or a hater I no longer care. Like many said Destiny was the only thing that could Kill Destiny, and well they did it. I'm done supporting Bungie until they get their collective heads out of their ass.
Edit as to Toasty's comments, I don't care if Osiris and Saint are gay, I care that the fact that they are gay is more of a Slap to the face and is way too frequent as a main story beat, it's not subtle like other characters and kept in the background as an aspect of the character which would have made the first Episode much more impactful story wise. As Toasty mentioned Warframe has these notions and explores it but it's subtle and not in your face and distracting from the overall story which is why I exemplify it's story over This one. Take that as you will but I stand with my choice and opinion, don't be assholes just because you disagree and have a different opinion.
For those who didn't fixate on being jerks trying to demonize another person,
Thank you.
For the rest of you pathetic losers who chose to HATE me because of your own personal LGBTQ AGENDAS over know that this review and opinion will never come down of my own volition but comments for this review will now be locked for YOUR HATRED towards me.
The lot of you should be Ashamed of yourselves.