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cover-Lightyear Frontier

Monday, January 20, 2025 4:03:55 PM

Hızlı Düzeltme ve Bazı Kısa Haberler

Happy January Exofarmers!
The new year is off to a great start here at the FRAME BREAK office! We’re preparing to let y’all in on the new experimental features soon, but it’s not ready just yet. Here are some things you can enjoy in the meantime:
A quick bugfix update
We’ve done some bugfixing on things you’ve reported over the holidays to make sure you have a great time on the Frontier until the next update arrives. Read full patch notes below ⬇️

Patch Notes - V. 0.4.1141
🔁 Changes
Trailblazer Mode will no longer show a prompt when driving over Noxious Weeds
Trailblazer Mode will now show a prompt when trying to boost while over-encumbered
🪲 Bugfixes
Fixed various crashes
Improved collision on several constructs
Fixed light shining in the wrong location on the Well construct
Fixed issue where destroyed Trees, Rocks, etc could sometimes reappear for Clients when reloading savefile in worlds where a lot of foliage had been destroyed
Fixed a visual issue where some cables in a ruins area would be floating in the air, instead of being connected to the wall
Fixed misspelling of Festive Windshield
Fixed some weeds spawning on top of small foliage and therefore being indestructible by some tools
Fixed missing punctuation in several construct descriptions
Fixed severe performance drops that could occur when adding or removing items from your mech's inventory after interacting with a Silo
This was most noticeable when using the Seed Shooter or harvesting plants. Fixed wild plants sometimes not spawning as frequently as they should
Fixed some actions potentially being aimed behind the Exofarmer when using a third-person perspective
Fixed relocation ignoring some build warnings, e.g. "Invalid Slope" or "Blocked"
Fixed Trailblazer mode sometimes incorrectly staying in an over-encumbered state
Fixed missing SFX when recycling the Ball Dispenser
Devlog coming next week - Past updates
Just like we did with our last 2024 Wrapped post, we’re taking a look back at where we’ve been so far before we start going forward. In this upcoming devlog we’ll be looking at some of our past updates, going into some more detail on why these features have been our focus and we’ll also include some fun screenshots and quotes from you guys on them! Stay tuned for that.

Next big update - want to know more?
As you know we have experimental features coming to you soon! Before we invite you to test them out, we could tell you a bit more about one of them!
Which topic would you like us to talk about first?
Modular building
Large scale farming
New Main progression
Let us know in the comments which topic you’d like us to talk about first!
See you next week Exofarmers!
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Encountered a bug? Report it here!
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