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Monday, May 1, 2023 6:19:11 PM

SCUM - Development update #52

Hello everyone, it's a bit late but you will have to forgive as it is a holiday right now over here. Never the less we are here to deliver our regular dev update. Check out what the crew has been up to this past week, and what to look forward to in the future. Some near future some a bit further away.

Touching up on item decay system.
Resolving database errors.
Working on the cooking rework.
Resolving issues with the new server settings.
Working on the master server protocol.
Working on the new sentry combat behavior.
Working on new sentry grenade launcher functionality.
Resolving issues with sentry navigation.
Implementing the rocket launcher.
Finished the tear gas effect.
Working on the smoking feature.

Tweaking item spawners for the loot rework.
Working on abandoned city distant LODs.
Tweaking the fog.
Optimizing the abandoned city.

Working on the new trailer.
Resolving issues with rocket launcher animations.
Working on the ruger animations.
Working on cooking items grip animations.
Working on cooking items.
Texturing cruiser parts.
Adjusting clothing items to the new male models.

Working on trailer sound effects.
Recording and production of trailer voice lines.
Sentry voice lines recording and production.

Hunting and banning cheaters.
Ban appeals.
Steam general discussion and bug reports.
Performance benchmarking and optimization testing.
Testing of upcoming features.
Various bug reports.

Adjusting killbox and cargo drop locker systems to the new loot rework.
Adjusting boat fuel consumption.
Re adjusting inventory space on clothing.
Working on new GDD files.
Working on rocket launcher parameters.