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Monday, May 29, 2023 3:30:52 PM

SCUM - Development update #53

Hello hello everyone, long time no see. But worry not as we are back with our regular dev updates. Check out what the team has been up to.

Working on the wrist watch alarm feature.
Working on inventory rework.
Working on crafting rework.
Resolving issues with the master server.
Working on new NPC type AI.
Implementing new scope capability.
Working on wash eyes mechanic.
Adjusting server settings.
Working on the chat refactor.
Working on rest in vehicles functionality.

Adjusting loot spawners.
Working on abandoned bunkers.

Working on new trailer.
Working on new male models.
Working on m249 animations.
Working on crafting UI redesign.
Working on new cooking items.
Adjusting vehicles for modular system.
Adjusting clothing for the new male models.


Hunting and banning cheaters.
Ban appeals.
Steam general discussion and bug reports.
Performance benchmarking and optimization testing.
Testing of upcoming features.
Various bug reports.

Working on new game design documents.
Working on new tutorials.
Adjusting server settings.
Adjusting item spawn parameters.