Across The Obelisk: Sands of Ulminin Review (Duldinga)
This is a great expansion to an already great game. But it goes beyond pure numbers and this ties into some of the people debating if the price is fair or not. If taken at face value and on the amount of cards, items, zones, and characters as compared to the base game game then yeah seem expensive, but this adds a lot more than that. Rogue-likes get more complicated exponentially so additions are "larger" than the sum of its parts when it comes to varying runs. This DLC also brings characters that are dual classed that can mix cards and add variations to builds when it comes to not only themselves, but teammates as well. All while feeling balanced and that they fit in the game without the sense of being tacked on. I'd say it adds quite a bit to the game personally and is a great expansion to a fun and well made game.