APB Reloaded Review (Despresso)
About the game :
At the start when u login u can chose between : Citadel , Jericho , Hong Kong .
After u choose a server u have to choose a faction between '' Criminals '' and '' Enforcer '' after u chose a faction u like u can create your own character ( but u cant move from the servers ).
As Enforcer u have two different type of contacts : First ''Prentiss tigers'' and second u have '' Shadow strike ''. If u chose Criminal u have : ''Blood roses'' and '' G-Kings ''.
After u created your character u can make the Tutorial or join any district and press T to see tutorial.
In this game u have five different district u can chose. First u have '' Financial District '' in this district u can play missions and rank your self , there is two different '' Financial Districts'' first is the one where u can get any threat u want and in the second one u play and doesn't matter if u win or lose you wont lose your threat . Second map is '' Waterfront District '' its similar to '' Financial District '' there is just the map different and u have district when u can lose your threat and in the second doesn't matter . Third districts are '' Fight clubs '' there are two Fight clubs : First The Asylum and Second Baylan shipping . In this Fight clubs u play to collect special money called Jt ( Joker Tickets ) . With this special money u can go to the last district called '' Social district '' . U can buy or customize clothes , cars .... And if u want special guns or car kits u buy it with your Jt ( Joker tickets ).
At contacts u can buy , clothes , cars , weapons , ..... but the weapon u buy at a contact are only for 10 days . In this game exist weapons with open slots where u can put modifications . If u want to unlock them u need rank your ranks with ( Sniper , shotgun.... ) at rank five u get one slot weapon to buy at a contact for 10 days. If u want to have a permanent character or a permanent account weapon you need to buy it for real money on Armas marketplace . The guns u buy on Armas marketplace have 3 open slot or 3 3 already put in modifications .
Personal thinking of this game :
Its worth to try it out .