Bzzzt Review (Apparently Kid)
It's a fun game just pretty light on content. The platforming is really crisp and tight, there are some new abilities introduced throughout that are fun and change things up. The character is likeable and the soundtrack is decent. There are a few negatives. I did find some inconsistent hitboxes here and there where I was hit by something I wasn't touching or went over my head slightly etc. Also the game is super short and the story is barely there, although for a game like this you don't need that. I don't like how the dev released new levels, gated the first round by collectibles, then the other 3 rounds by trophies that involve a combo of speedrunning while also getting collectibles. Seemed kind of dumb and obtrusive, why not just have the collectibles unlock things. I shouldn't be forced to speedrun 40 levels perfectly with collectibles and preset times just to get more content. When devs do that it seems lazy as they are forcing you to grind the same levels which just inflates game length because there isn't much there already. But if the game is light on content and you make more levels which is great just let me play those levels to experience it all. Or at worst just tie them to collectibles, but not both.
But the fact the game dev is a single person is awesome, and a woman dev is great for female representation in the industry. So the game is nowhere near greats like celeste but it is solid, albeit light on content. 8/10.