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cover-Cities: Skylines - Financial Districts

Sunday, February 5, 2023 11:47:02 PM

Cities: Skylines - Financial Districts Review (jbradonr)

This is the worst DLC they have released. The cartoonish mechanisms and buildings add little to gameplay. The concept of specializing a district or city in the financial industry may be excellent, but without more globalized economics and the ability for your city to meaningfully interact with others or a wider omnipotent economy, it's a joke and irrelevant.
Moreover, this DLC breaks pre-existing user-made mods to a ridiculous degree, making the game nearly unplayable. If you have mods, DO NOT ADD THIS DLC.
Paradox: refund everyone, remove this from the store, and go back to the drawing board.
Also: Steam says I haven't played this (or have 0 hours logged). This is not true. I have played with this DLC. BUT because it broke my game and Cities refuses to launch properly, I have played far less of this than any other DLC. Why do I have 0 hours logged? Because the game crashes every time I launch it. Thanks, Paradox.