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cover-Dinosaur Fossil Hunter

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 11:38:23 AM

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter Review (Nibbly Jimbles)

To preface my review: I love dinosaurs. Always have, always will.
This game is absolutely perfect if you love dinosaurs, puzzles, comfort and adventure. I come to this game every time I've had a rough day at work, or I just need something positive in my day. The game has lots to offer and much enjoyment to be had.
Now, I do have some gripes about certain things, but none of this affects the game itself.
The advertising and public marketing has raised my expectations more than the game has delivered. I honestly expected more from this game. I was expecting dinosaurs and other reptiles from all eras, judging by the Brachiosaurus and Allosaurus skeletons in advertising. The game as it stands only contains cretaceous animals. The development team is also very quiet and rather unresponsive, which is concerning for a development team who had gotten crowdfunding support. The game is complete, but things like DLC and future updates, even just hotfixes are just hard to predict. And finally, this issue is more personal than anything, but the game itself, if played with every upgrade and with employees in your museum, is rather repetitive. Most of all I have multiple complete museums at this point and if I'm honest, the galleries in them are never fully filled, making it feel as if the game is incomplete.
Above all else, I'm not letting these factors deter me, I still play this game quite a bit and enjoy every second of it. I'm just hoping we can see more content from this game in the future, the designer and raptor DLCs were promising and I'm hoping for more to come. I just wish I had a roadmap to see when these updates might come!