Evil Bank Manager Review (Nitro)
Not worth your time. Mindless clicking waiting for your AI opponents to start printing money and destroy you late game.
After beating the game on medium difficulty (Federal Reserve victory and IMF victory) I spent a long time figuring how to beat all opponents on hard difficulty (I did get the science victory but that one is to easy). Got a branch in every country and using the influence skill constantly shut down my opponents banks. I was way ahead of all other banks midgame. However, despite the opponent not being able to invest, their cashflow steadily incresases and then exponentially increases towards the late game. This is not really AI. It's feels very scripted.
The way you bankrupt your opponent is to lend them money and they occasionally default on their loans; this is mostly RNG especially later in the game when your fear effect does nothing to the opponents cash stash. I got down to 6 opponents left but their increasing unexplained cash stores meant increasingly higher loan up to a point the last 10-15 turns when you can no longer afford to loan them money. By the way, the revolt option to start an uprising in a country does not really work as it is too expensive early game and mid-late game all banks have access to multiple countries. And they will just start reinvesting in the newly formed country anyway.
Take my advice. Don't waste your time like me. Completely unsatisfying experience.