Extremely Powerful Capybaras Review (Pr0v3n)
Really wanted to like this game, ignored the "Mixed" reviews because hey, they were in December and the devs have their 1.1 update that fixed a lot of the issues that were in the negative reviews, so I gave it a go; as I love Soulstone Survivors.
I played 2 matches in co-op with a friend I had buy it with me, so the sample size isn't great, but that should also be quite telling of the quality of the game itself.
Ran into several bugs, quickly. Just after your first level up, the "currency" sound that plays, just repeats on a loop until you close the game, extremely annoying.
While I was reporting that bug in the F8 menu they encourage you to use, my text was getting all jumbled up and I couldn't tell why for a minute, until I realised that WASD was moving the cursor WHILE I was typing, and selecting random areas within the textbox, changing where I was typing, or just outright unselecting the Report Bug window.
I had to type my bug reports into my f*cking Google Chrome address bar, and paste them into the game, to get anything coherent into the Bug window.
Now the actual game itself.
There was, from what I could tell, so little synergies between any of the powerups at all. Range+ doesn't increase the size of your AoEs, none of the powerups have anything to do with each other, it's just a random assortment of boring actives, of which there must have been like, 8? and a handful of passives that were uninspiring, with no rarities, no tiers, no nothing; just "This is 2% faster now", "This is 0.1 units bigger now". It was boring as hell, and I'm so dissappointed. You want to work hard towards your builds, or make work the poor RNG you get in these games and find a build in the rough, and feel good about it; but this, just feels like an absolute slog.
The biggest issue I had with Soulstone Survivors, was the fact that there wasn't any synergies or fusions between the actives, but at least the Actives had tags you could improve on with passive synergies and feel good about that, but there is none of that here; this game is hyper disappointing, and worse than every other Survivor-Like on the Steam Store, hell, even free ones like Holocure are significantly better than this in every way.
It's just a massive letdown to be honest. I hope they keep listening to community feedback and working on making this better, but as of the 21st of February 2024, this game is dogwater, and not worth the $9 they're asking for it, which is quite cheap if it was a functioning and fun game, but it just isn't.
I'll check it out again in a few updates to see if they decided to patch in some fun.