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cover-Just Cause 4: Los Demonios

Friday, October 28, 2022 11:24:43 PM

Just Cause 4: Los Demonios Review (SdwCdrGhost)

Los Demonios is a reprehensible DLC is worth as much as a used diaper. The DLC is about as deep as a puddle of pee. Avoid this. This is the worst DLC I have ever played for any single game, especially a triple A title. I have never recalled anything as miserable as this DLC from any experience excluding multiplayer game (due to varying experiences).
Control Rico as he travels to some random island and struggles to complete yet another boring puzzle which doesn't add anything but cliche lore. After that, you get to fight small, hard to kill enemies with annoying DPS in an environment filled with blinding pink fog and a claustrophobic tight dome which conveniently destroys every vehicle you bring inside in addition to disabling supply drops.
You are handed a useless weapon with bolts as slow as an RPG, but without splash damage. I have never died in the game to another enemy until this DLC. You will face very annoying bugs which are like drones but worse. You will face tentacles with vehicles; the worst of them being the flak cannons which will, by the word of God, drain your HP faster than my ex can down an entire Happy Meal from McDonald's. There were times I have dropped in via wingsuit and got sniped in a single round from those AA tentacles.
The DLC also fails to fit in the style of the game. Avalanche Studios tried to hard to make this game feel like Doom and failed miserably. Last time I check, this game wasn't supposed to have raid bosses in a game where the whole point is to liberate providences and blow things to pieces.
This DLC gets a 19/100 with it's only score coming from the amount of quality the art department put into assets and from the voice acting. This disgusting thing I refuse to call DLC can go rest in a North Korean landfill.