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Tuesday, November 12, 2024 12:47:27 AM

Mirthwood Review (Ashanley)

I was very excited for this game. Ive had it on my wishlist, played the demo, loved the art work, and was looking for a new survival Stardew valley/ valheim esk game.
I spent 35 hours and finished it. I was very thorough too. If I’d have just focused on finishing the game it would have been half that probably. I’m disappointed :(
I finished the game yesterday and was so sad that I decided to sleep on it to make sure I had time to reflect on this.
It’s pretty- I really like the art work.
Good concepts- it has good potential. There is a multi select “dialogue” system, an economy system of sorts, character progression that you can change daily. All of these things I will touch on in the cons though.
Amazing narrator! Added mystery and elegance.
buggy- Like so buggy it was almost unplayable at times. Quest finished without me doing anything once haha. I’ll give you more detailed bugs in the cons list.
Lagging- it was stuttering and lagging and freezing constantly. I disabled overlays, set it to run as admin, everything I could think of. No fix. I just played through it. I’ve learned to play through lag over the years. It’s an acquired skill :)
Crashing- often times the fast travel makes you crash. Not every time but a lot. It’s a fun game to see if you’ll make it.
Early access- so nowhere on the store page does it say early access. The release was delayed even so they had more time to get the game ready. Normally a game will say early access and if this is early access I would defiantly critique accordingly. In several comments players are saying early access in remarks. So if it is in early access that kind of irks me. It should be marked early access. I’m going to put on my tin foil hat here and say this feels intentional. There is a wave of gamers, like me, who are now refusing to buy early access games. I’m sick of it. Because I’m sick of getting excited about something and being disappointed. Like this. So if they are hiding early access to sell the game shame on you. But again it’s not marked early access anywhere, there is no road map or anything else so if it’s not in early access then shame on them too for putting out a game with so many problems. it just sucks.
Resources- that is the only reason this took me 35 hours. there is an abundance of late game ore but iron which is tier 2 and 3 is so hard to get. there are so few iron ores and it takes a while too re spawn. defiantly needs too be re balanced i think.
calendar year- so i finished this game in the beginning of winter. i thought maybe there is more and i just need to wait until year 2. so i slept until year two. that totally freaked the game out. day one of year two was spring of 16. whatever that was and no it did not open anything else up. i ran around the map just to make sure.
World size- who needs fast travel when you can run across the map in 60 seconds anyhow. I didn’t time it but if it’s not a minute it’s close.
Story- oh there was a story? Sorta. very shallow and not interesting.
Economy system- they tried. There is a stall that you can check on demand and in supply items that changes every so often. It was so buggy I can’t tell you how often. there are times you check it and every in demand product is strawberries and in stock strawberries.
Animals- i suppose this could just fall under buggy but...I can’t check on my animals because their little icon box stays on my screen all across the map. A restart will make this go away. So just go fast travel and crash and your chicken icon will be fixed.
Dialogue- what’s the point? Building friendship does not give you quests or benefits. You can’t get married or have kids. There is no special dialogue. Nothing. I like the dialogue game. It’s unique. but it has no purpose.
Battle- the hit box is so crazy. You have to hit monsters diagonally. It’s so jankey. I made it work but ugh it was painful.
End- let’s just take every monster on the map and put them all in one clearing. A clearing full of 20 werewolves and 15 wraiths and 50 rats. Why not. That seems like a great tedious bs challenge. Honestly that’s just lazy. I killed them but the whole time I was just rolling my eyes.
Map- nothing is labeled. Maybe that’s a choice by the team. Idk. But it was annoying. Which camp is named what? You just have to memorize it. No hover over. You can pin one thing but pin is erased on restart. And you crash and have to re start so often there is no point pinning.
Skill cards- skill cards are mostly broken and have no effect. Ex: I went with archery as I have to hit everything at a weird diagonal angle so I just found this easier with kiting and shooting. There are two archery skill cards. Both called ranger, both with the same description that arrows now deal poison damage. different pictures. Neither work. There is no poison damage to be seen. You seem to do the same amount of damage with and without those cards. I’ve tried one, then the other, then both. Nada. As far as the cards go they really don’t seem to impact performance at all. It’s
weird. I do the same damage w the 5% perk as I do without it as well. I don’t think the cards work at all. I did notice a few coins different with the craftsman card and your hunger does drain ever so much less with the iron stomach. But most of the rest of them I think are broken. Or maybe I needed to restart when I changed cards? Everything takes a restart on this game honestly and I just don’t have that kind of patients or time.
Weapons- this is just a gripe I guess BUT there are like 20 or more different swords you can choose from and craft. There are 4 bows. No named or special. I’m nit picking with that but it would be fun to see a special bow as that’s the only thing that got me through that game.

All and all: This is not a finished product. It’s got to be early access. If it is then maybe it will be great after a while. But it needs a lot of work. Good concepts, pretty game but shallow story unfinished ideas and broken / buggy beyond enjoyment.