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cover-Needy Streamer Overload

Monday, January 20, 2025 9:47:23 PM

Needy Streamer Overload Review (emo twink gangster)

Remaking my review as the game breaking bug has been fixed.
This game contains two games, you are not supposed to know about the second game "ENDLESS NIGHTMARE" til beating the "Typing of the net" game but can access it before completing that. this game overall contains basically no story.
The typing game is challenging but is beatable very quickly due to there only being 3 stages. You can select the amount of Life you want to make it easier. The kangel model featured seems abit unfinished as the styling makes it look like some parts of her avatar are floating or not attached.
The main focus of the game i feel is ENDLESS NIGHTMARE a fighting platformer where you play as Ame collecting pieces of Kangels outfit to beat Dark angel. This mode is abit challenging similar to a metroidvania or games like celeste. There is only 5 levels. The controls for the game are abit clunky and slow at times mainly due to the wind up on the chainsaw and glitchyness of wall climbing. However it is enjoyable to play this type of game i just wish it was more advertised / had more content.
The game is easily completable to max in 1~4 hours depending on how good you are at these types of games The amount of content is lacking and do hope if we get anymore NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD games we can get some genuine lengthy games like the original game as they are somewhat starting to feel like a cashgrab rather then respecting the original work especially when compared to other WSS titles. Id only recommend this game if you like NEEDY GIRL. If you dont wait for a sale or i probably wouldn't recommend