Resident Evil Re:Verse Review (鬼椒)
An actual very fun game that doesn't take itself too seriously which is nice. Each character has a nice array of weapons and abilities. All the skins and taunts you can unlock makes progression quite fun. Nice detail in the two current maps in the game and it's awesome seeing these maps to such detail in a different setting.
I have a few complaints but otherwise it has been a good experience - Most of these are very minor but still could be improved
* There needs to be a better way to play Public Games with friends or just in general a way at all
* There needs to be an easier way to add friends without going through the website - Are you serious?
* Accessing the Battlepass is not an option and the same with inventory such as RP - I assume due to this being a beta this will change for the time being
* Would be nice but not required if we could switch the camera side of the player to mirror (instead of hovering over right shoulder it hovers left)
* No way to preview abilities while selecting a character during queue - I feel this is the most important thing that is lacking for first impressions. Instead there's an entire button dedicated to this when it could be simplified outside of the menu
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Also - Remember to those wanting to play this or leaving protest reviews - Every game like this has been experimental from Capcom including Outbreak. If you keep protesting games without giving it a try you're shutting down Capcom's experimental games and creative output before they can pick up off the ground and likely what will result in this is you'll never get cool experimental games as they'll only focus on main story games. Yeah Capcom might not hit it out of the park each time but at least they try different things. This game is actually good and fun - Be open minded instead thinking everything they release has to be super serious. If you've even played their old games you know Capcom always has had goofy / silly aspects of all their games.