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cover-Rez Infinite

Saturday, February 3, 2024 1:11:24 AM

Rez Infinite Review (droid [E3B])

I do not recommend this for VR mode. Non-VR is probably fine, the visuals are stylish and the rhythm is cool.
Rez is a rail shooter where everything happens on the beat and you have an aimbot. There's tension in the gameplay: do I acquire more targets (hold trigger for longer) or should I eliminate the targets I have already acquired (release trigger now)? The risk comes from a fire rate that happens on the beat, so if I fire too many short bursts I can't shoot fast enough. The challenge seems to be to get the right number of targets and then fire the burst.
In VR mode forced movement can be a bad time. For me I can handle swift motion in a fixed or gradually shifting direction, but this game also has forced camera shifts, where you are forced to look in certain directions. This is instant puke mode for me. I'm not hyped up by the cinematography of a boss fight intro, instead I'm annoyed that the game is yanking my head around, ruining the intended emotion. It's really bad.
There should be a VR settings option to disable screen yank. There is not.
The other problem I have is that the aim is not straight. Sometimes the reticle is bent up to 90 degrees sideways. It wasn't clear to me in the first level, but now I think there's some virtual boundary of where you should be looking, and the reticle is clipped to that region, but any motion in a returning direction will instantly free it, causing aim drift. It's bizarre that it's so non-intuitive because it's a solved problem in shooters for 30 years: point gun, shoot gun, the gun is aiming where the gun is pointing, and not some arbitrary varying offset angle.
Again this should be an option in the VR settings, but there is not a setting for it. Or if there is a setting it's not explained, because I was looking for it repeatedly.
Perhaps this will be fixed in the future. I don't expect it to be.