Saints Row IV Review (sysW0W95)
Useful things to know from my experience with the new Re-Elected port
Tip for those who aint fond of the epic games bollocks:
Go into the game directory and replace "SaintsRowIV.exe" with "sr_hv.exe" .
the re-elected "SaintsRowIV.exe" is literally an epic games portal for "sr_hv.exe" (The actual game)
as far as i know though. doing this will fuck with CO-OP on the epic side of things
Other shit worth knowing:
Pre Re-Elected saves dont seem to work with the new version.
Mileage with workshop content and mods may vary but i had to remove all mine as there was texture glitches
The Deprecated and defunked MySteelport Functionality has been replaced with a simple character saver with 8 slots. while this change makes sense, it makes the My Steelport Emulator Redundant.
There is a legacy beta branch of the game containing an older build of the game but i've not tried it myself. but several others have reported it still is broken and has epic integration still.
Borderless Windowed has been removed for some reason. i am not personally affected given im a complete psychopath and play all my games windowed at 1600x900. there are ways though on how to achieve this still with third party programs such as Borderless-Gaming which i've used previously on other games years ago. obviously the downside of third party programs is that its a fuck around each time you load but it should still get the job done.
My experience was had initially under Windows 10 LTSC where i crashed to desktop. but installing this F13 pentagon patch managed to get me in the main menu where none of my saves were correctly showing nor could i make new ones. which seems to me it was reading a non existent drive. I then downgraded to Windows 8.1 Enterprise and experienced texture issues with my workshop mods. fresh installing the game and removing all my workshop mods and putting in the patch showed my saves but crashed upon trying to load them. Making a new save and loading it works fine though. this was my own experience but yours might vary
There is a guide to restore the Pre Re-Elected build of the game. which i presume works as it had previous done, although i've yet to try it personally
The Game itself
I do like it. i've been a massive fan of saints row since i was a wee lad. i've sunk hours into SR2, 3 and 4 across both PC and PS3 (one day i hope to play the original and i pray for the SR2 patch)
Once you hit that 100% goal though. there really isn't much to do and SR3 suffers from the same problem. i've beaten the game several times on hardcore and its not too hard. its still a fun game and a staple of my childhood. its solid for that reason.
Shame deep silver/volition is going downhill lately with the reboot and such and does make me sceptical for the future of the franchise.
I will update this if i learn anything more interesting. feel free to comment on this review of anything you find or if i've missed anything