Starpoint Gemini 2 Review (CptnCankles)
As much as I like the game concept, I cannot recommend the game when it has several game breaking bugs. Like literal show stopping to where you cannot progress. The only way to bypass is to re-load an old save, do the mission over again, then hope at the end it doesn't break...not much of a plan and extremely frustrating. Unfortunately, they never fixed this issue and it happens at multiple points in the game (probably why I was never able to finish).
Example of one; For one mission, if you approach an objective from the wrong angle, the mission will break. If you approach from a different angle it will work. Yeah, ok...makes me wonder if they even tested this game.
The game also has atrocious voice acting and too many extended bad cut-scenes that unfortunately you cannot skip. Having the missions break, and then having to do them over again and go through the often unintelligible voice acting multiple times is torture.