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cover-Worms Rumble

Monday, July 1, 2024 3:03:12 PM

Worms Rumble Review (Tapasvi)

Nice concept, poor implementation.
Nice because I totally dig it. I've played all the Worms games, since like '98 or something. And when I played W.M.D., the previous game, I really felt that this concept of 2D turn-based combat is just getting too old. Maybe the old games deserve remaster, but new games definitely need to go somewhere further. And doing a Worms battle royale game sounds like a reasonable strategy.
But, apparently, it's just another blind attempt to catch the hype train. With dollar sign eyes.
The game doesn't have bots. At all.
All you can do it pick the game mode, click "play" and wait whle the game itself finds some tryharders to beat you. No custom matches with AI, no single-player campaign (in case someone played these in previous games lol), just a bare-bone clone of an average dumb game.
The last thing I noticed about the devs themselves: Deluxe edition includes pre-order bonus. So they introduced this bonus to motivate people pre-order their product, but then said to themselves "screw these goofs", and just added it to their pile of other DLCs just to squeeze out more money. Not unusual these days, but scam is still a scam.